Sunday, October 26, 2008

Parents and Educators Love Super Natural Adventures!

We are receiving some great feedback on the site and on the overall concept of SNA.

Here are some of the comments:

"I found SNA phenomenal!!! What a wonderful idea and a great teaching tool. I couldn’t keep quiet about it to my friends (moms)...I am sooo impressed... The videos are educational, fun, well-done, so professional--just amazing. Your kids do a fantastic job on them. They make it so upbeat and exciting."

--Veronique, mom of two, San Jose

"My kids really enjoyed watching the videos. They can't wait to get outside now and have their own Super Natural Adventure! Thanks for inspiring them!"

--Tom, father of three, New York

"You are fantastic parents who have learned how to give your children an opportunity of a lifetime -- a REAL EDUCATION!!!!!"

--Mrs. Nash, elementary school educator, instructor for teachers, Milwaukee

Thanks for all the support, educators and fellow parents!

Let's continue to get kids excited about nature and the environment!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ideas for Outdoor Family Fun

Well, the "Outdoor Movement" is certainly catching on!

Just about every weekend now is a designated time by some organization or other for families to get outside.

That's great news for parents, because with all these designated days comes a website and suggested family outdoor activities!

This coming weekend, October 11-13, it's the National Wildlife Federation's Green Hour campaign that is promoting Make Tracks: Family Trail Weekend.

Be sure to bring along a camera and snap some picks or shoot soome video that your kids can submit to our website.