Thursday, March 26, 2009

Don't Forget to Turn Out the Lights

One of the most serious global challenges the planet is facing right now is climate change. What are we doing about it? Well, for starters, on Saturday, March 28th at 8:30 pm millions of people are expected to participate in the WWF's Earth Hour, a movement dedicated to the global concern for climate change.

From the US to Dubai, from Paris to Sydney, people all over the globe will turn out their lights in order to send a clear message about the urgent need for action. Earth Hour is expected to be four times as successful as last year with some 2,500 cities in 82 countries participating in the record breaking event by turning off the lights for one hour. A call for action this loud simply cannot go unheard.

Some of the high-profile landmarks around the globe committed to Earth Hour include:
Empire State Building (New York City, USA)
Eiffel Tower (Paris, France)
Stockholm Castle (Stockholm, Sweden)
The Egyptian Pyramids (Egypt)
Sydney Opera House (Sydney, Australia)
Christ the Redeemer (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
The Las Vegas Strip (Las Vegas, Nevada)
And many, many more...

Global warming is effecting the environment as well as human life more seriously than ever before. Melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and extreme weather all over the world are just a few of the consequences caused by climate change. And it's only expected to get worse unless serious actions are taken to reduce carbon footprints around the globe.

In Dan Forman's article "From Sea to Shining Sea," WWF CEO Carter Roberts says that "Turning off the lights is just the beginning. We're asking everyone to also make commitments to reduce their energy use during the rest of the year and to ask their elected representatives to do the right thing because we need climate legislation now." (Click here for the whole article)

And he's right; we can't just turn out our lights for one hour, one night and expect change to happen on its own...but it can happen with our continued efforts and education. The first step is a willingness to adhere to new, eco-friendly behavior, such as using fluorescent light bulbs and unplugging appliances when they aren't being used.

Let's work together to fight global warming, reduce the effects of climate change and improve the prognosis for the future of our planet, even if it means turning off one light switch at a time!

For more information about Earth Hour and ways to get involved visit

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