Sunday, January 4, 2009

Good Habits for 2009

Happy New Year!

I hope 2009 is finding you and your family happy, healthy and heading outdoors. I've been having fun brainstorming with my boys about what we can do this year to be more environmentally friendly, more connected with nature and more in touch with the needs of the world around us. Hers's a few of the ideas we came up with:

  • Bring a water bottle to school to keep from buying those plastic bottles.
  • Turn off the lights whenever you leave a room.
  • Use both sides of the paper for homework.
  • Start a compost pile in the corner of your backyard.
  • Volunteer more. In Costa Rica there are plenty of indigenous peoples, like the Bri Bri, who really appreciate any help we can offer. Who needs help in your area?

Click here to check out the National Wildlife Federation 2009 Priorities and see what you can come up with to help them with their world-changing goals for 2009! And remember, even the little things can make a difference. Even if you can’t reverse global warming in one afternoon, the planet appreciates any help it can get. Let me know what you are doing this year to be more environmentally conscious.

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