Friday, December 18, 2009

A Sense of Wonder

"It's hard to elicit a sense of wonder from adults," a video game creator was recently quoted as saying in Fast Company magazine. That got me thinking. Do I have a sense of wonderment? What creates wonder in me?

The answer came quickly--the rain forest is where I find wonderment. It's why we moved to Costa Rica, in fact. I wanted to live a life of wonderment and do it with my kids, who happen to find endless wonder in the same place as I.

Several months ago Steve and I were leading a retreat group on an exploration of Arenal Volcano. Our guide spotted an enormous toucan in a treetop, which resulted in 16 pairs of binoculars being plastered to faces, including my own. I've seen dozens of toucans, but I never tire of their magnificence. One woman in the group, however, simply kept walking, impatient to get to wherever she thought we were going. "I've seen a toucan," she muttered, annoyed that everyone was taking the time to admire this creature. Right then I thought to myself: "I hope I NEVER loose the thrill of seeing a toucan in the wild!" While I was incredulous at this woman's indfference to the literal wonders of nature, I also came to understand that one person's wonderment is not another's.

What creates a sense of wonder in you?

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