Sunday, August 30, 2009

More About the Jacobus Family Adventure!

Lots of new folks are finding the Super Natural Adventures site and then finding me via e-mail to ask questions like, "Why did you move?" "Was it scary?" "How did you do it?" "How can I do it?" I recommend you start by going to my personal blog which chronicles our first years here. Read it backwards, starting in the archives, to feel like you're on the adventure with us. You can also read about the process I went through to MAKE the decision to move in an article I wrote for Athleta Chi.

Many people want to talk with me directly about their own desire to have such an adventure, especially with their family. Many want to discuss their dream and vision of raising citizens of the world or even talk about how they can bring SNA into their children's schools. I invite any and all visitors to e-mail me directly at

Finally, many people say, "We'd like to experience a life like yours...but only for about a week." I say, "Come on down!" Our travel partners at Activated Life Experiences can plan an amazing family travel experience for you unlike any trip you've ever had before.

Another thing you could do is a family service project. Do a fund-raiser--garage sale, bake sale, lemonade stand, you name it--to raise funds to save the rain forest. Contact me and I'll put you in touch with Tirimbina Rainforest Center. The rain forest is here in Costa Rica (and we filmed many SNA segments there, including "bats", "chocolate" and "ants") but there's also a non-profit 501c3 Tirimbina Foundation in the U.S. Your family's raised funds will go directly there, in a fund specific to preserving the rain forest.

There are many ways to parent, to raise citizens of the world, to teach our kids what we feel is important. I invite you to share in the comment section of this blog what YOU are doing.

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