Friday, September 25, 2009

Play Together

When's the last time you played with your kids? I'm not talking about driving them to practice, coaching them or training them. I mean, simply played, as in, no end goal other than enjoying each other's company, getting some exercise perhaps, doing something together.

I recently took a tennis lesson with Will, our youngest. Will takes tennis lessons once a week not so he can grow up to compete at Wimbledon--or even compete right now. He takes tennis lessons from a local guy at the public community courts simply because he likes to play tennis. What a concept! I took a lesson with him a couple weeks ago and it was a blast. I learned as much from him as from the coach. Afterwards, Will and I hit the play together and played a few matches. We laughed and encouraged each other and generally had a fun afternoon together.

I appreciate the value of team sports, of playing competitively. What I don't understand is the parental obsession with training our little athletes as if they are going to be professional some day. How about kids playing a sport for the fun of it?

I know. I'm so old fashioned and square. It's why I moved to Costa Rica, so I could be old fashioned and square to my heart's content. And content it is!

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